Don't know what to say this term is all most over . I have been doing my best this term to keep my mind on school work but I am having a hard time right now . I know we don't have that long to go , but I have had a lot happen this last week . I have been trying to find a job , do school work and deal with the finanical aid office at school. I have all so been talking to a friend who is going through a bad time now . The woman he was living with and has a son with left him . Just because of some thing someone told her he loves his son so much . I can tell you I didn't think they should stay together but I didn't want things to happen the way they did. I am so up set she believed what this person told her . This woman said she loved him , but she left with out even listening to him. I know they fought a lot but if she was willing to stay through all the fighting I don't get why she just left . I am thinking she really didn't love him . All she wanted was a kid . Maybe I am wrong I don't know I do know here was a full moon this past week . Maybe that is why every thing has been so crazy . I just don't know I would like for things to start getting better . I have been so down lately I want to start feeling better . Well i will miss you all in class maybe we will have some more classes together . Good luck everyone on your final paper.
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